Do You Make These 5 Holiday Mistakes?

We've compiled the Top 5 Mistakes People Make During the Holidays, to help you make some better choices this Holiday Season. Beware of these traps so you can avoid them!

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    Skipping breakfast: You might think you’re cutting out calories, and saving your appetite for the big meal; but having a nice high-protein breakfast will actually help you feel full longer and will make holiday treats a bit easier to pass up! So, you might ultimately consume less calories by eating breakfast.
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    Drinking Egg Nog. Did you know that there are over 300 calories in one cup of eggnog?! A 30-minute run would barely burn off the calories from that one cup drink, how's that for perspective? Moral of the story: it's best to steer clear of this delicious sugary concoction.
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    Eating creamed spinach and other fatty “vegetable casseroles”: we know you’re trying to be good and eat your serving of veggies, but dishes like these are smothered in cream, butter, and cheese. Go for steamed greens when possible.
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    Giving yourself a “cheat day” or days: It started with a doughnut for breakfast, then a cookie with your co-worker, then a holiday lunch, by the time dinner comes around, you’re thinking you’ve done so much damage that you might as well go all out with dinner and dessert. It’s never too late to cut your losses!
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    Skipping the gym: Everyone is busier during the holidays, but it’s important to prioritize your health. Making time to exercise should stay at the the top of your list and will help you manage Holiday stress! Think about how much better you'll be feeling during, and after the Holidays are over!