
Personal Training Members of the Month: Shannon & Eddy!

Despite being relative newcomers to Capital Strength, Shannon and Eddy have already been chosen for the prestigious title of Members of the Month thanks to a few key traits:

  1. Consistency (recurring theme anyone?)
  2. Extremely positive attitudes in sessions
  3. Willingness to do any and all crazy exercises to prepare for a Tough Mudder race

Come on in during one of their sessions and you may see them working on their grip strength with towel rows, or building their lower body strength and explosiveness with deadlifts and band-resisted high knees – all under the guidance of their coach, Devin.

With their positive and up-for-anything attitude, no doubt they’ll crush their race in late October. Read on to hear about how they got started and what keeps them going!MotM Sep2014

Q&A with Shannon & Eddy


Project Manager and SEO Content Manager, respectively.

How long have you been training at Capital?

Eddy: We started working out at Capital in July. I’ve never been a gym guy…until now!

What kinds of physical activities did you do before coming to Capital?

Shannon: I’ve been a distance runner for years but have been battling injuries for awhile and needed to add something besides running to my routine.

Eddy: I’ve done lots of activities like hiking, mountain biking, martial arts, running, you name it.

How did you first get interested in fitness?

Shannon: I started running over ten years ago as a way to blow off steam.  I ran my first marathon in 2001 and have been hooked every since!

Eddy: Growing up, physical activity was encouraged in my home and I played sports year round through high school and early college.

But as an adult, my motivator has been keeping in shape for the purpose of achieving goals, rather than competition. In fact, Shannon and I have registered for the NC Tough Mudder, and are currently working with Devin Roberts to crush that race!

How do you find the time to be so consistent with your training?

Shannon: I schedule workouts in advance and make workouts part of my routine. I also find having a workout buddy helps hold me accountable on the days I feel like skipping my workout.

Eddy: It’s about prioritizing and making the time, especially when you’re not really feeling like exerting the energy. Ironically, when I’m having a bad day and just want to skip it, I always feel better after a workout!

Working out with Shannon and having an appointment with our trainer, Devin, hold me accountable as well.

What’s your favorite thing about working out with us at Capital?

Shannon: Working with Devin!  She has been great at planning workouts that work on the different goals Eddy and I have individually.  She comes up with some tough workouts while managing to keep us motivated to give 100% everyday!

Eddy: Honestly, it would be our trainer Devin. Not only does she encourage us with her positive attitude, she seems to have great fun crafting our workouts to target our goals, which in turn makes it fun for us.

Every time I walk through the door I’m wondering what crazy thing she’ll have me do:

“Seriously, you’re going to place a strap around my waist and I’m going to pull you like a pony, keeping my knees as high as possible? Okaaaaay.”

What’s your favorite and least favorite exercise so far?

Shannon: My favorite exercise is probably the one that makes me feel like I achieved something in a workout that day.

But, I like deadlifts as I like the accomplishment of lifting something more than I weigh.  Less favorite, probably pulling the sled with one arm from a plank position…Hopefully Devin won’t see this! (Editors note: Can’t make any promises on that one…)

Eddy: I haven’t done weight training since college, and getting proper form (like in Romanian Dead-Lifts, ugh) has been challenging. [read: frustrating]

Push ups are my favorite, since I can knock them out! Of course, Devin finds interesting ways to add resistance and make them more difficult.

“Seriously, you’re gonna wrap me in thick, heavy chains and make me do push ups? Okaaaaay.”

Yeah, it’s like that!

What kind of advice would you give someone who wanted to train, but wasn’t sure they were ready?

Shannon: I’d tell people that adding a fitness routine to their lives can only enhance it.   I’ve never been one to enjoy strength training but everyone at Capital has been great and for the first time, I enjoy it.

Out of all the gyms I’ve been too, I feel like Capital is the most invested in helping me reach my goals.  They have made wights seem doable without the intimidation factor I’ve felt at many places.

Eddy: Taking the first steps on any new path can feel daunting: start small and send an email to Matt describing who you are and what you’re looking to achieve through strength training. He did a great job assigning the right trainer for us!