
July 2

Personal Training Client Spotlight: Brian Moore

Raleigh, NC – The Personal Trainers at Capital Strength & Conditioning are dedicated to helping our clients achieve their fitness, performance, and weight loss goals. Read on to hear one of our newest clients success so far…

With a newborn on the way and a former past time as a semi-professional hockey player, Brian came to us to help him achieve 2 goals: Lose weight so he could be active and healthy for his newborn son and return to his favorite sport.Raleigh Personal Training

Brian started with us, weighing over 360 pounds. In his first month with us at Capital Strength & Conditioning working with Kristian Bouw, he has lost close to 25 pounds with significant increases in strength.

Here are some of his stats:


  • Starting: 362 lbs
  • Current: 339 lbs
  • Difference: -25lbs!



  • Starting: 200 lbs
  • Current: 255 lbs
  • Difference: +55lbs

Bench Press:

  • Starting: 145 lbs
  • Current: 175 lbs
  • Difference: +30lbs

Overhead Press:

  • Starting: 80 lbs
  • Current: 115 lbs
  • Difference: +35lbs

With a personal goal to get back under 220 lbs, Brian is well on his way to becoming the competitive athlete he once was.  But don’t take our word for it, hear it from the big guy himself:

Q: How long have you been with CS&C & what made you decide to hire a trainer?

A: I have been with CS&C for about 6 weeks now. I decided to hire a trainer because I was unhappy with my health and appearance. After several unsuccessful attempts trying to do it myself, I realized I needed help.

Q: What’s your biggest accomplishment thus far?

A: Losing just under 25 pounds in 6 weeks.

Q: How has your training in the gym affected other facets of your life?

A: I just feel better about myself. The satisfaction of doing something about my health, and the pride I’ve gotten from seeing results. It has helped me have a more positive outlook. There is a light at the end of the tunnel.

Q: Your advice to others interested in training at CS&C?

A: Do it. I always looked at the price of training and thought it was too expensive, and that I could do it on my own. Well, after a few years of not making any progress or getting anything accomplished, I bit the bullet.

Now I wish I hadn’t been so short sighted for so long. We’re talking about your long-term health and longevity. You can save all the money in the world, but you won’t enjoy it if you’re not here to spend it. Invest in yourself, you won’t be disappointed.

All of us here at Capital Strength & Conditioning are very proud of Brian’s progress so far! He’s on the right path to achieve his weight loss goals to get down to 220lbs and be stronger than ever.

If you have weightloss, fitness, or performance goals like Brian; we can help you! For a free consultation and sample workout contact us!

About the author 

Matt McLaughlin

Matt is the owner of Capital Strength & Conditioning. Utilizing his skill set in strength training, movement, nutrition, and lifestyle design; he helps his clients build the best version of themselves.

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