Introduction to "Macros"

In this Video:

A brief introduction to Macronutrients (aka Macros) and how to get started with your nutrition program for body transformation.

O.M.N. Calculator:

Enter your body weight in pounds. The calculator will return the estimated macros you need to hit for optimal muscle development.

Please note: these are recommended ranges or minimums. Depending on your body weight, goals, and level of activity, adjustments will be necessary to optimize your program.

B.M.R. Estimator

Enter your age, weight in pounds, and height in inches to the yellow fields. The calculator will then return your estimated Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR).

BMR is the daily calorie burn your body creates with ZERO activity. This is what you burn no matter what. Movement, workouts, digestion and more will add on top of this. That's why it's so important to get moving and eat right!

Please note: This is an estimation based up formulas. It's a useful source of information on where to start your OMN program. Adjustments will be necessary to dial in accurately.

Calories & Macros Guide (PDF)

Your Assignment:

  • Calculate your initial calorie and macros intake goal.
  • Calculate Your BMR and Daily Burn Goal. 
  • Outline what your daily activity and meals need to be.