The Capital Strength CEO challenges you to put his personal fitness system to the test...

Burn 5 lbs of Pure Fat in 5 Weeks—
Or your Money Back. Guaranteed!

Discover a proven method to transform your body by getting leaner, stronger, and healthier without the confusion, frustration, and risks of doing it alone.

Introducing The Capital Transformation System

How do some people get great fitness results, while others seem stuck?

Is it even possible to burn fat and build muscle at the same time?

Yes, and we call it Body Recomposition. But it requires you get a few things right...

You must flip the right switches so your body can build lean muscle while simultaneously burning off body fat.

And, I'm about to show you exactly how to do it.

What is Body Recomposition?

When you get leaner and your body fat percentage drops, we call that Body Recomposition.

It's basically the goal MOST people have when they get fit and healthy.

The Problem? Most people go about it the wrong way. They focus on the small things, while neglecting what matters most to get results faster.

If you've tried and failed in the past, you were probably missing one or more of the key ingredients required to burn fat and build lean muscle WHILE staying healthy.

Or, you didn't have a plan you could stick with. You may have lost a few pounds at first, then got stuck and quickly regained them when you fell off the diet.

The solution? When you have a proven program, the accountability to stick with it, and all the resources for success; body transformation becomes simple and almost easy.

And that's exactly what I've created for you. It's the same system that transformed my body from average to lean and muscular.

And it's worked for 100s of my clients too.

Matt's Body Transformation


How Big is a pound of fat?

One pound of body fat is roughly equivalent to four sticks of butter...

If you lose 5 lbs of pure fat, that's like melting off 20 sticks of butter off your body!

Continue reading to learn how to make that happen!

The Problems That Aren't Your Fault

America is facing an obesity epidemic.

And, you already know how to fix it... Losing weight just means eating less and moving more. Right? Wrong! If body transformation was easy, why are 71% of American adults overweight?

Is there a secret that most people are missing?
Yes, there is a secret. And I'm going to share it with you.
But first, let's look at what may be holding you back.

If you want to melt off 5 lbs of pure body fat, then what obstacles do we need to get out of the way?

Problem #1: Metabolic Mismanagement

To recomp your body, we have to stimulate your metabolism... the right way!

The first step is flipping the 'Protein Synthesis' switch.

And, turning off the 'Protein Breakdown' switch.

Your body is in a constant state of build up and break down. This is called your Metabolism.

If you don't optimize your metabolism some bad things can happen. Things like low energy, muscle loss, and fat gain can happen if you mismanage your metabolism.

In order to burn pure body fat AND grow muscle, we must enhance protein synthesis while minimizing protein breakdown AND stimulate your body to use stored fat for energy.

How do we flip the right metabolic switches? Stay tuned—I explain below...

But next we need to look at the biggest problem hurting most people's health.

Problem #2: Sub-Optimal Nutrition

The biggest factor that you can control for great health and lean body composition? It's probably your nutrition.

What you eat is literally what your made of. Your nutrition is the fuel and building blocks your metabolism uses to keep you alive and functioning at your best.

The challenge today is modern food can be literally addicting. It was designed by a scientist to be delicious and keep you craving more without filling you up.

Plus, everyone is unique. What works for you may not be what the latest fad diet recommends.

So then how do we eat to burn fat, build lean muscle, AND feel great?

I'm about to cover that too...

But now here's the real reason most people just don't get the results they want—Even if they have the perfect plan.

Problem #3: Lack of Accountability

Transforming your body is hard. It takes discipline to do the right things—consistently—all the way to your goal.

Life gets in the way. Motivation can wane. Confusion about set in.

That's why so many people struggle to actually see results.

They don't stick with it. They don't have someone checking in and guiding them all the way to success.

Your Fitness Solution

So how do we solve these problems? Is there actually a way to train, eat, and live that creates the results we really want?

Yes! It's called The Capital Transformation System (CTS). It's our 3-Step Program that tackles all the challenges of burning fat, building muscle, and cultivating vibrant health.

Solution #1: Dynamic Strength & Conditioning

Science has discovered that Strength Training & Metabolic Conditioning alters your body all the way down to the genetic level. But, for it to work for you, you must adhere to certain principles that must be suited to your unique qualities.

Our Dynamic Strength & Conditioning (DSC) Training is proven to get results and is simultaneously tailored to fit your individual goals. It's how you get highly personalized training in small groups at the best possible value.

No matter if you want to slim down, tone up, or train 2, 3, 4, or 5+ days per week; we have your plan ready. You get workouts designed to build lean muscle, burn off body fat, increase strength, and develop fitness to handle whatever life throws at you. 

On top of that you'll use free weights: barbells, kettlebells, dumbbells, and more—the gear that gets real-life functional results. And, most importantly, you'll learn proper technique and safety.

You'll redefine your body while learning how to lift weights with picture perfect form with DSC training.

Solution #2: Optimal Muscle Nutrition

To develop lean muscle and melt-off body fat, you must eat properly.

And, if you want to feel amazing too; this requires another layer.
That's where our Optimal Muscle Nutrition (OMN) strategy goes to work for you.

Modern research has proven that all effective weight-change diets have two things in common.

  1. Calories must be aligned to your weight-change goals.
  2. Protein intake must be high.

Beyond that there is variety and flexibility with how you can eat. Through the OMN program we teach you how to burn fat, build muscle, and feel energetic outside of the gym. It's nutrition that's flexible to fit your lifestyle while also optimized to transform your lean body.

You’ll discover fueling up doesn’t have be stressful or confusing!

Solution #3: Capital Accountability Program

Getting life changing results is simple. But it’s not easy. Be skeptical of anyone who tells you otherwise. Results require consistency. And now we have a system to keep you on track. It's called the Capital Accountability Program (CAP)

We created CAP to ensure all of our clients get the support they need. Here's how it works: if you don't make it to your scheduled workout we check up on you. If you need any guidance, you've got a designated accountability coach to lean on. Anything you need we'll figure out a way to help.

In other words, we're here everyday to make sure you do what you said you’d do:
Show up. Give 100%. And do the work necessary to achieve your goals.

Additionally, we give you all the tips, tricks, and resources to create healthy habits.
Kind of like your on-demand go-to fitness resource—Here whenever you need us.

Your Transformation—Guaranteed

Using The CTS as a platform, we've developed The 5 Week Capital Transformation Project.

The 5-Week Capital Transformation Project


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John Smith​​​​

The C.T.S. Components

  • 1
    DSC - Dynamic Strength & Conditioning
  • 2
    OMN - Optimal Muscle Nutrition
  • 3
    CAP - Capital Accountability Program

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Want to Get Lean & Strong?

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